Pink Vote is an African Movement with the aim to mainstream gender-based issues in the electoral process thus ensuring more representation for women in elective and appointive offices, it also aims to get more women to participate by voting massively in elections
In Nigeria, the Pink Vote Movement seeks to ensure that 10 million more women and girls at all levels vote in the 2023 Nigerian presidential Elections. We recently organized an activity known as the Pink Debate with the theme “Mainstreaming Gender-Based Issues In Our Electoral System” ahead of the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) Election(s) which was held on the 12th of February, 2022.
The Pink Debate was the first of its kind Gender-Based Debate that solely focused on issues around the African woman and the girl child; with a view to achieving a system where gender-based issues, especially that of the Nigerian woman take center stage with political office holders’ pre-election with the sole aim of main streaming gender-based issues at the fore of political discussion(s).