The statue of women is a far cry from what it is in the precolonial and early post-independent era in Nigeria when they challenge the status quo to bring a change though they have been considerable progress in developing the capabilities of women but their participation in economic and political decision making remains very limited, Similarly, the independent National electoral commission recently lamented that the 2015 elections only 44% of female voters came out for accreditation compared to 56% of male voters. it is however worrisome given that the participation of women in governance and decision-making process is a major goal in Global development Agender as embodied in the sustainable development Goals SDGs. A lot of women have an interest in politics but are constrained by so many challenges ranging from economics to religion to lack of education and gender bias in the political sector. There is a great need for women to have a voice form a women’s political movement to address this decline it is in view of this that engage empower educate initiative proposed the pink vote movement and the pink debate
The pink vote Movement is a Nationwide Advocacy campaign to get 10,000,000 Women to participate actively and vote in the coming elections. While the pink debate is channeled towards balancing political participation between men and women in Africa and mainstreaming gender-based issues in the electoral process and bringing to the fore political decisions on gender-based issues thus ensuring more representation for women in elective and appointive offices.
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The pink vote movement is one that encourages women and young girls to participate in leadership governance and politics at all levels and become the agent of change to transform their societies. The pink debate is one that is worth looking out for keep reading our newsletters for more updates on the next pink debate.
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